I've been really slacking. Between STILL having morning sickness (at 18 weeks) and having SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction - http://www.birthsource.com/scripts/article.asp?articleid=189) ... oh, and no longer having a job or source of income... I've been a little stressed.
Today was our Fetal Survey. Peanut is GIRL! We've chosen the name Ashlyn Niamh (pronounced Neev) which means Dream Radiance in Gaelic. Since she's been what we've been dreaming of for YEARS.
She was about 10 ounces, and had a heart rate of about 153.
I'm at a TOTAL loss for words, yet I can't SHUT UP. She was flipping, sucking her thumb, moving, kicking, punching, waving... it was AMAZING. I could have watched that screen for HOURS. It was beautiful. She looks healthy, and has a strong little heart. VERY cool.
So we now have Daddies little Girl. <3