I?ve spent a lot of time lately thinking, and I wanted to just put a few things out here? not so much for everyone else, but for me. It?s not directed at any one in particular, but I feel that I need to do this for me?
I want to start by saying that I really DO appreciate all the info, stories and ? details that everyone has given me in regards to child birth and pregnancy. I don?t want to sound like I?m NOT grateful, because I am. The info is close and personal to you, and I?m honored that so many of you want to share these intimate details, but I?d really, really don?t want to hear ALL the details of how you brought your precious bundle of joy into the world.
In the past month, I?ve heard all the awesomeness, and all the horror stories of at least 75% of the people I know.
I?ve been told I NEED TO have a natural, drug free birth, I?ve been told I HAVE to breastfeed, I?ve been told what to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat? that if I have a C-section or I use drugs for labor I?d be ?a bad mother?, and I?ve also been told that I NEED to get an epidural, a spinal block, ? a million different things coming from many directions based on everyone else?s experiences.
I?ve also had a few people who?ve just flat out said that regardless of what I do, or how I do it, I?ll be a great mother and to just enjoy the pregnancy and ignore what everyone else is telling me. THIS I appreciate.
What I?m about to say, I say as lovingly as possible?
My pregnancy is NOT your pregnancy? just as yours wasn?t anyone else?s. Seeing as how I have had my body all my life, I know it best, and I trust my doctors who?ve being through hell and high water w/me and my medical issues to assist me in making the BEST decision for me and our child.
Whether or not I do Hypno-birthing, water birthing, c-section, Epidural, Natural? I?m going to be the one growing this child and bringing it into the world, and no matter HOW this child arrives here, all I want is a healthy child.
While I appreciate all the Fem-Nazi?s out there who demand that women have natural drug free child births with only the support of family and a midwife, part of being feminine is having the right to choose what I do with my body, and my options surrounding MY labor and delivery. What works for you, may not work for me, and what works for me, may not work for the rest of the general population.
The way a child is brought into this world does not make a woman any more/less of a mother?. Just as the feeding options doesn?t dictate whether or not she?s a good parent either. Loving and nurturing your child and family is what MAKES you a mom/dad/awesome parent.
If I ask for help, info, opinions and options, then obviously I want them, but I really can do with out the unsolicited information from everyone and their mother on how we should bring Peanut into the world and raise him/her. I respect everyone?s options and opinions on how they want their child raised, and I don?t just anyone else for the decisions they make so long as they are caring for their child. Please don?t pass judgment on me, or anyone else for the decision that are made in our personal lives.
Thanks for reading!!