Somehow, I'm STILL employed... although I'm not there right now. ha. I had to leave yesterday early to go to the ER...
On the way to work, I stopped to get Gas. KNOWING it would be cold the rest of the week, I figured I should fill the tank (I had about 1/4)... Well, I TANKED it when I got out of the car. NO ice around, but I was sitting on my ass on the ground. Since my pride hurt so much I Just got back in the car and drove to work...
After about a half hour/hour my back REALLY started hurting, and my hips, pelvis and my ass. (I fell on it, what did I expect). But what worried me was that Ashlyn wasn't moving around like she normally does. I tried Juice... even a piece of candy. nothing. SO... I Called the OB. they said if she didn't start moving soon, or if the pain increased to get to the ER. ... so I Did.
I got to the ER at 4:29pm. I know that because I had to ask what time to write on the ER sign in sheet because the clock was OBVIOUSLY wrong. (2-something). I was checked in, put in a room... and forgotten about. at about 5:30 someone came in, poked at me... and said that I'd be taken to Ultrasound and then up to L&D for fetal monitoring. ok. cool. at almost 7pm I was finally taken to U/S. then left in a hall way for 35 mins before being taken back to the ER. I BEGGED 3 people in the ER for something to eat. (It was almost 8pm, and I hadn't eaten since 11am!) At 8:30, they brought me a box lunch, a turkey sammich, chippies and an orange. THANKFULLY I had a water in my bag, because when I asked the nurse for a soda or something she walked away. bitch.
At 8:35 I was told I was going to &D for 4 hours! (Why didnt they send me there FIRST?!). I ate my sammich on the way, and got hooked up to the monitors. I didn't mind the NST portion... I had a TV, in a quiet room, and the nurse brought me a water, a cranberry juice and a chicken salad sammich. nom.
Ash was looking great in there... had a few contractions, but all in all it's ok. I got out of the hospital at almost 1am.
And they wont let me go back to work until Thursday. I see my OB on Wednesday and I have another NST that was already scheduled... which they said I have to keep. (I figured).
I've learned NOT to fall down again.
I think at the appointment tomorrow the OB and I will be talking about induction info... because of the Gestational Diabetes and the crap that goes along with that... she's going to be coming into this world earlier than expected. I just hope it's not too early...