Tuesday, December 29, 2009

... Owwie. My ass... and my Pride.

Somehow, I'm STILL employed... although I'm not there right now. ha. I had to leave yesterday early to go to the ER...

On the way to work, I stopped to get Gas. KNOWING it would be cold the rest of the week, I figured I should fill the tank (I had about 1/4)... Well, I TANKED it when I got out of the car. NO ice around, but I was sitting on my ass on the ground. Since my pride hurt so much I Just got back in the car and drove to work...

After about a half hour/hour my back REALLY started hurting, and my hips, pelvis and my ass. (I fell on it, what did I expect). But what worried me was that Ashlyn wasn't moving around like she normally does. I tried Juice... even a piece of candy. nothing. SO... I Called the OB. they said if she didn't start moving soon, or if the pain increased to get to the ER. ... so I Did.

I got to the ER at 4:29pm. I know that because I had to ask what time to write on the ER sign in sheet because the clock was OBVIOUSLY wrong. (2-something). I was checked in, put in a room... and forgotten about. at about 5:30 someone came in, poked at me... and said that I'd be taken to Ultrasound and then up to L&D for fetal monitoring. ok. cool. at almost 7pm I was finally taken to U/S. then left in a hall way for 35 mins before being taken back to the ER. I BEGGED 3 people in the ER for something to eat. (It was almost 8pm, and I hadn't eaten since 11am!) At 8:30, they brought me a box lunch, a turkey sammich, chippies and an orange. THANKFULLY I had a water in my bag, because when I asked the nurse for a soda or something she walked away. bitch.

At 8:35 I was told I was going to &D for 4 hours! (Why didnt they send me there FIRST?!). I ate my sammich on the way, and got hooked up to the monitors. I didn't mind the NST portion... I had a TV, in a quiet room, and the nurse brought me a water, a cranberry juice and a chicken salad sammich. nom.

Ash was looking great in there... had a few contractions, but all in all it's ok. I got out of the hospital at almost 1am.

And they wont let me go back to work until Thursday. I see my OB on Wednesday and I have another NST that was already scheduled... which they said I have to keep. (I figured).

I've learned NOT to fall down again.

I think at the appointment tomorrow the OB and I will be talking about induction info... because of the Gestational Diabetes and the crap that goes along with that... she's going to be coming into this world earlier than expected. I just hope it's not too early...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

She's got her daddies head...

30week ultrasound and exam yesterday...

Ashlyn is measuring (approx) 3lbs 14oz. She's in the 67.8 percentile. I have actually LOST 2lbs since my last visit, but she's gained it! Her HEAD is HUGE... it's measuring like, 33 weeks or something!

The doctor is concerned about my gestational diabetes and the rate the baby is growing. There is a chance I will need to be induced between 37-39.5 weeks. He doesnt like to let moms with GD go over 40 weeks.

So long as she come out alright, I'll do what ever I have to do... I just hope to have a vaginal delivery and NOT a c-section...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

... I should feel lucky...

I should feel lucky to be employed when SO many people are struggling to find jobs right now, and I KNOW I'm lucky, I'm just MISERABLE.

I KNOW I'm not cut out for my job. I'm pregnant and SUPER emotional. My job... Medical collections. I call people AT HOME, and get their medical bill money that's been sent to collections. Easy right? Eh. No. Calling and asking to speak to "the parents of..." and can you "confirm your childs D.O.B."... baby born in 2006.... $4500.00 in medical bills from a CANCER CENTER. I'm supposed to call, get the money, and get off the phone. People are CRYING, it's almost Christmas, the babies have cancer, $4500 means shit to them, and they're supposed to CARE I want the money when they can't keep their family a-float!?

I've been here for almost 2 months, and the job has completely burnt me out. I have to leave in about an hour to go there, and I'm DREADING it. I mean, so much that I feel physically sick and I'm getting a migraine. and it's ALL the job.

I keep looking on Craigslist, Monster and Career builder for TEMP/SEASONAL jobs, in customer service (since I can't really be on my feet), from NOW until MID-February, and I'm coming up empty. Of course.

No one is going to want to hire a pregnant woman for the next 2 months... seriously...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

what a busy little body....

Here... 28W5D... Me from the side, and one RARE view of my big, fat... baby insulating self. Creeeepppyy!

Started working my 6hr shift... even tho HR hasn't approved it, management said that BY LAW, they can't go against it since it is detrimental to my health. Jackasses. I need to find a new job. I was also told that if HR doesn't "approve" the doctors letter on restricted hours, I could be let go for excessive, unexcused time off. GAAHHH. Isn't this illegal?!
Oh, and I was told by the supervisor I'm "TOO NICE" for collections. and that she HOPES I get the hang of it soon or my career there is short lived. I HAVE COLLECTED OVER A GRAND THIS MONTH JUST LEARNING. bitch. *grumble*

So last night, I had to bail from work at like, 7pm. (Working 230-9) Why? Because I was having contractions. I had 5 in about a 2 hour time span, so I called the Dr. My on Call Dr called me back and said that if I'm not having at least 6 for an hour, 10mins or so apart, lasting 1-2 minutes it's not a big deal, not preterm labor. He said they MAY be from how active the baby is, I may be a little dehydrated or stressed... so to go home, eat a little, drink lots of fluids and lay on my left side. I was BAWLING hysterically at work because I thought things were wrong. Having said that, I'm STILL having contractions, have been all night, 2-5 an hour, and even woke up to one. They aren't painful, but they are mighty uncomfortable. I don't know if I should try to stay home and rest today, or go to work and tough it out. I'm worried about the stress from the assholes at the new job getting to me... *sigh*

At least today is pay day, and I woke up to money in my bank account! Of course, it's ALLLL going to be gone by the end of the day! but still...

I need to call CVS Pharmacy and see if my Insulin pens have come in. I'm not overly enjoying taking insulin with every meal, but it's not FOR me, it's for Ashlyn, and since this little pod person is my life right now, I need to do what I need to do to keep her healthy... and to hopefully avoid complications and a C-Section...

Eh... one good note, it's not snowing or raining!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

... So I've been missing for almost 2 months?!?!

Sometimes life gets in the way of... well..., LIFE!
Let's recap, shall we??

I left my job at Comcast September 19th. Found out we were having a LITTLE GIRL on 9/24/09. (Ashlyn Niamh) and I think that's where we left things...
I was DENIED for unemployment. Comcast told the state I left because I feared being terminated over my absences. Assholes.
Applied EVERYWHERE. Landed a job at a Medical billing/collection company as a Collection Dialer. (I leave those collections messages on your machines! HA!) Started there October 28th. All seemed great!

Started November with the FLU. HAHAHAHA. *ahem* missed a week of my new job. but since everyone at work had the flu, just got a note.

November 4th had U/S of Ashlyn:
She's measuring in the 69th percentile, and she's LOOONNNG. 2 weeks longer than the U/S date (the US was 23W5D, she was measuring 25w3D)
Failed my 1 and 3 hour glucose screening tests. Have Gestational Diabetes. Started Insulin JUST before breakfast LAST week... as of Tuesday I'm on insulin before every meal... Eh. Nothing I can do about it.

Um... Let's see. OH! I WAS working full time. I've been cut to 6hours MAX a day by my OB/Gyn.... because of my hips/back/pelvis and excessive foot swelling. EH. it happens. Start new 6 hour shift today.

Next UltraSound is 12/16/09. As of THIS Friday 12/11/09 I'm going to be 29weeks pregnant, and I have 11 weeks left until my Estimated Due Date. WHERE did the time go?!?!!? Holy crap!

Let's see... what else... I think for the most part that covers it. OH, I LOOK pregnant...
This is 26 weeks, I need to take a new one... but people are ALWAYS in the freaking bathroom at work, and that's the only place I can get a good pic. I'll try again today.

Other than that, life is good. My sister is planning my shower for Sunday, January 31st, and we're just hoping Ashlyn stays in there that long!!!

I'll be back soon, I'm going to TRY not to go missing now that things are back on track a bit.

XoXoXo... Kristen