Started working my 6hr shift... even tho HR hasn't approved it, management said that BY LAW, they can't go against it since it is detrimental to my health. Jackasses. I need to find a new job. I was also told that if HR doesn't "approve" the doctors letter on restricted hours, I could be let go for excessive, unexcused time off. GAAHHH. Isn't this illegal?!
Oh, and I was told by the supervisor I'm "TOO NICE" for collections. and that she HOPES I get the hang of it soon or my career there is short lived. I HAVE COLLECTED OVER A GRAND THIS MONTH JUST LEARNING. bitch. *grumble*
So last night, I had to bail from work at like, 7pm. (Working 230-9) Why? Because I was having contractions. I had 5 in about a 2 hour time span, so I called the Dr. My on Call Dr called me back and said that if I'm not having at least 6 for an hour, 10mins or so apart, lasting 1-2 minutes it's not a big deal, not preterm labor. He said they MAY be from how active the baby is, I may be a little dehydrated or stressed... so to go home, eat a little, drink lots of fluids and lay on my left side. I was BAWLING hysterically at work because I thought things were wrong. Having said that, I'm STILL having contractions, have been all night, 2-5 an hour, and even woke up to one. They aren't painful, but they are mighty uncomfortable. I don't know if I should try to stay home and rest today, or go to work and tough it out. I'm worried about the stress from the assholes at the new job getting to me... *sigh*
At least today is pay day, and I woke up to money in my bank account! Of course, it's ALLLL going to be gone by the end of the day! but still...
I need to call CVS Pharmacy and see if my Insulin pens have come in. I'm not overly enjoying taking insulin with every meal, but it's not FOR me, it's for Ashlyn, and since this little pod person is my life right now, I need to do what I need to do to keep her healthy... and to hopefully avoid complications and a C-Section...
Eh... one good note, it's not snowing or raining!
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