Yesterday was a Nonstress Test, Ultrasound and exam.
Baby is active. Heart Rate 144bpm. She's estimating at 5lbs 14ounces.
I had a little protein in my urine, and my blood pressure was a little high. We're going to keep an eye on that.
All in all things are good on the Ashlyn front. Next Ultrasound is 2/10/10, and that will determine when I'm being induced. That's at just about 38 weeks, and if I dont go into labor on my own by then, we'll schedule an induction. (just because of the Gestational Diabetes and stuff)

in other news...
Got a call at 9:30am. From HR @ work. I've been let go. Apparently doctors notes, hospital notes, and all that jazz don't cut it for pregnancy and pre-existing conditions since I'm not covered under FMLA. Oh well. I'll call the Massachusetts Unemployment office tomorrow and open a claim. HR was like, 75% sure I'd get approved, and the other 25% was a maybe ya, maybe no. Eh. FINGERS CROSSED.
So now I KNOW I'm not going to find another job between now and labor. So I really am hoping on unemployment. In the mean time, I'm not going to stress. I'm going to clean the shit out of the house. Like, Scrub TOP to BOTTOM. Today I've cleaned the floors, vacuumed, cleaned up the table, did dishes, cleaned the bathroom a bit, cleaned the ferrets cage (tonight they'll get baths and get their bedding washed)...
and I have a list of about 100000 other things to do. I NEED to get on the laundry. I wash and dry it, then it sits, new load, then sits... and sits, and before I know it there are 10 loads to put away. HA. I'll get better about that.
Ashlyn's stuff is starting to get set up. I cleaned out the crib (we set it up a while ago, but it became a dumping ground for shit)... Sean and I played with the car seat last night for install lessons. All her clothes and stuff we have are cleaned and folded, and I gave her a spot in the closet for her things. The baby shower is on January 31st, and then I need to get all that stuff cleaned, organized and put away. (Kimma sent out the invitations, but forgot to put where we're registered. It's at Target, Babies R Us, and Walmart. It's under Kristen & Sean Simonelli.) I'm really, REALLLLY excited about the shower, and our families FINALLY Meeting. (together 5 years and our families haven't met... and we're MARRIED!)
well... I think it's time for a nap, and more cleaning, then get Sean at work! *yawn*
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