Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
... if at 1st you dont succeed....
Today is 2/26/10. my due date. We went in for an induction on Tuesday, 2/23/10 @ 730am. Pitocin for 8 hours, Cervidil that night, then 9 hours of Pitocin on Wednesday.... I was staying 1cm dilated, -1 station, 90% effaced and cervix was posterior...
They sent me home at 6pm Wednesday.
We're leaving in about 20mins for round 2 of the induction. Because of my Chiari and the Gestational Diabetes, she's coming out today one way or another. If I'm not making progress by mid-afternoon, then Ash will be showing up by C-section.
the Pitocin contractions got bad toward the end of Wednesday. like... a 6-7 on a scale of 1-10. I'm NOT Looking forward to today. I've been taking EPO for over 3 weeks... orally and vaginally, so I'm hopeful maybe TODAY something will happen on it's own.
She's LOW. LOOOWWWWW. Like, I feel like I have to poop a LOT... but I don't. and I can't walk like a human anymore. ha.
Fingers crossed.... fingers crossed....
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
38weeks, 5 days.
Had a nonstress test and an exam today...
STILL less than 1cm dilated, 0% effaced, Cervix is high and not cooperating... and Ashlyn is floating around not wanting to fall into my pelvis...
I had a little protein in my urine, and trace glucose... blah. My blood pressure is good though.
We scheduled an induction for Tuesday 2/23 - 7:30am. Because of the Gestational Diabetes, and my Chiari, we want to try to get her out with little issue. If hours go by with no progress, we'll end up with a C-Section, and I have to be honest, I'm ok with it. So long as she's healthy, I'm happy. Some Chiari patients can't push w/out passing out, so it's what's safest for us.
Sean is going to start his Daddy Vacation as of Monday. He'll finish out this week, have the weekend, and then take of Monday to help get the house cleaned and set... then he'll stay w/me at the hospital. His work said if he needs more time, to please let them know and take it. (He only has 7 or 8 paid vacation days available, but he can take what ever time he needs unpaid)
I hope my unemployment determination comes in by then... it would be awesome to have it approved and retro back to 1/15 to cover bills and stuff and keep us floating. *fingers crossed*
I need some rest... I'm so incredibly exhausted...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
38weeks, 4days
I know it doesn't mean a whole lot of anything... but I just lost my mucus plug. (Gross shit huh?)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
37Weeks, 5Days...
I'm home from my NST, Ultrasound and Exam...
Ashlyn is estimating at 8lbs 2ounces. Her head is measuring approx 34CM. (according to Sean, I wasn't looking at that.... I was looking at the fact it showed 40W3D at the bottom of the screen)
Her heart rate was from 125 to 160 if she was moving..
Me on the other hand... I am less than 1CM dilated, not effaced, my cervix is still really high, and Ashlyn is still floating around, and not "engaged" at all...
There are some concerns about the Gestational Diabetes and how her size is advancing. 4 weeks ago she was in the 67.8th Percentile... Today she was at the 81st Percentile.
I'm hoping SOMETHING happens between now and Wednesday. If not, there is a good chance they are going to Schedule me for a C-Section between 39 to 39.5 weeks.
My biggest concern is that she comes out healthy and perfect... I don't care HOW she gets into the world at this point, as long as it's safely...
Maybe if I shovel the "Snow of Doom" that's hitting Massachusetts today, I can somehow put myself into Labor...