Friday, February 26, 2010

... if at 1st you dont succeed....


Today is 2/26/10. my due date. We went in for an induction on Tuesday, 2/23/10 @ 730am. Pitocin for 8 hours, Cervidil that night, then 9 hours of Pitocin on Wednesday.... I was staying 1cm dilated, -1 station, 90% effaced and cervix was posterior...

They sent me home at 6pm Wednesday.

We're leaving in about 20mins for round 2 of the induction. Because of my Chiari and the Gestational Diabetes, she's coming out today one way or another. If I'm not making progress by mid-afternoon, then Ash will be showing up by C-section.

the Pitocin contractions got bad toward the end of Wednesday. like... a 6-7 on a scale of 1-10. I'm NOT Looking forward to today. I've been taking EPO for over 3 weeks... orally and vaginally, so I'm hopeful maybe TODAY something will happen on it's own.

She's LOW. LOOOWWWWW. Like, I feel like I have to poop a LOT... but I don't. and I can't walk like a human anymore. ha.

Fingers crossed.... fingers crossed....

1 comment:

  1. Good luck today!! I hope that all goes smoothly for you!
