Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ashlyn is here!!!

It's been a long few days, but I thought I'd take a second to announce that Ashlyn Niamh Simonelli is here, and gorgeous.

Ashlyn was born on Friday, February 26th 2010 @ 6:28pm. 20inches long, 9lbs 1ounce. Apgar Scores were both 9. She was born by a c-section.

Tuesday 2/23 we went to the hospital for induction at 7:30am. Got hooked up to machines, monitors and pitocin... I started out at 1cm dilated, 90% effaced, -1 station, and cervix being posterior. After about 6 hours of pit I started having frequent strong contractions. (About a 5/6 on a scale of 1-10). After 8 hours, and no change, we shut off the pitocin and inserted cervidil... Next morning at 7am, STILL no change. Tried a 2nd round of pitocin...
After NO change again
by 5pm, we were discharged home, told to rest, relax, walk (Try what ever we wanted to that could start up labor), and come back on Friday 2/26.

Did chores around the house on Thursday and just enjoyed the time with Sean. Friday morning, headed to the hospital.

7:30am arrived, 8am totally hooked to monitors, IV and pitocin. Watched TV all day... played Travel Scrabble. At 5pm, STILL 1cm dilated, 90% effaced, -1 station, and cervix posterior. Opted for C-Section. (I had gestational diabetes and a Chiari Malformation).

Was instantly set up for the CS. I was in the OR by 6pm. I actually really, REALLY enjoyed the Spinal Block, since I've had SPD since 16weeks, and my hips and backs felt like they were going to break. It was the 1st time I WASN'T in pain in forever. I didn't get nauseous, or really even feel any tugging or pulling. Sean came in wearing his SUPER SEXY Hazmat suit (the white suit) about 6:15pm or so, and held my hand and we were just talking, almost like it was a regular night and we were watching TV. Neither one of us cried when we heard Ashlyn cry... we just stared at one another like, "OH CRAP, IS THAT NOISE OURS?!"... And my OB announced she weighs 9pounds 1ounce, and she was still floating around organizing my organs... no where near descending into the pelvis, and she was in NO hurry to make an appearance on her own.

I was back in my room by 7pm, and Sean and Ashlyn were there. She didn't need oxygen, or anything. Bright, Alert and Gorgeous. We're so in love I don't know what to do with myself.

We stayed in the Maternity ward from Saturday morning until Tuesday around noon (The ward was full after I delivered so we slept in the L&D room). I thoroughly enjoyed the rooming in, and having Sean there. (as well as the room service for both of us... what ever/when ever (that was on the menu from 6:30 to 6:30). We're pumping and supplementing. Ash has a terrible time latching, and gets so upset she turns purple and just about stops breathing. We met with 3 lactation consultants, and at least 8 nurses tried to help us. Ash's pediatrician also checked her, and her tongue web is REALLY short and she's having issues getting her tongue in a good position to latch. He sees NO reason to cut it until there are massive issues going forward. So long as I have skin to skin contact and I can give her expressed Breast Milk, then I'm happy. My tongue web and Sean's are both short, and we were both formula fed (Sean's adopted, and I had latching issues too).

Being home has been hard... there are no nurses to offer to help! Maternal instinct has kicked in, and I've learned and done things I never thought I could. (like jumping out of bed about 24hours after having a c-section because the baby cried and Sean was in the bathroom. I didn't even REALIZE I was in horrible pain until I sat back down!)
She is an awesome little person. Gorgeous as all get out, and just a cuddle bug. She HATES dirty Diapers. the SECOND she poops or pees she cries, until you take it off her.... then she stops. Happy clean baby. and she just wants you to hold her and talk to her.

This is the most amazing thing to ever happen in my life. I don't even know how to really put it all into words... I'm so in love.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in tears! Baby Ashlyn is just beautiful. Huge congrats honey. I hope you heal up nicely.
    lots of love
