I've talked to a few people who can't seem to wrap their minds around the fact that I've had a headache that feels like my head wants to explode for that long... but in all reality, I've had a headache for well over 10 (Yes, TEN) years straight. Crazy huh?
Here, I'll give you a headache run down... and let you live a day in my head and body...
For over 10 years I've had to wake up every single morning feeling like I've had a hangover, except I don't drink... and that headache never goes away. (on a scale of 1-10, its always somewhere between a 2-4) and I have it all day, just this dull, achy, hangovery, pissed off brain, hangover headache... and then I go to bed with it. Actually... That started just after I graduated highschool, which was 1999. So somewhere around 14-15years. Awesome huh?
Then I get my SUPER FUN body stopping, paralyzing, "fainting goat-esque" Chiari headaches. Let me describe these to you. These bad boys can just come out of no where, OR, they come because I'm doing something I shouldn't be *sarcasm*... like LAUGHING, sneezing, yawning, coughing, bending down to tie my shoe, picking up my daughter, lifting more than 1 gallon of milk at a time,... throwing up, (OVERSHARE TIME!) having sex, pooping... or doing anything that may cause straining... oh .. yelling at a concert. BAD IDEA.
Here's what it feels like: Take your hands and put them up and over the top of your head, so you're protecting your head with your forearms (like you're getting your ass kicked in a hockey fight) and your finger tips are resting in the little ridge on the back of your head)

But this decompression didn't completely stop the headaches, it just reduced the frequency, from around 30-40 of these headaches a day, to about 3-10ish...
I still have migraines...
more often now than before... oh joy of joys.

and then Lastly now I have the Intracranial Pressure headaches. The ones that feel like there is a car parked on top of my head...
So, to kind of feel what this feels like, Close your eyes... well, not now, because then you can't read, so READ all of this, and then do it. I'll tell you when you can close your eyes. Take your hands and cup them over both ears so that everything sounds REAL muffled., and then PUSH on the sides of your head as HARD as possible. Now, tuck your chin in toward your chest, and pull your neck back toward your spine at the same time so that there is a very tense and uncomfortable pressure in the back of your head and neck, as well as clench your jaw.... now puff out your cheeks so they are as full of air as you can make them. NOW close your eyes as tight as possible. Hold that all for as long as you can. Go ahead, I'll wait. Feels RIDICULOUSLY uncomfortable, right? Like there is pain, pressure, discomfort... all rolled into one big crap ball?? TADA! That's pretty much the feeling I've had every day for the last month+... but add onto that the feeling of my pulse in my ears and behind my eyes... and sometimes IN my teeth. Its enough to drive you batshit.
I don't want anyone's sympathy....That's not what this was about. To those of you who have asked, THAT is what I have been living with, day in and day out. I appreciate your concern. Everyone who's said, suck it up, it's "just a headache" can kiss the most rotund area on my posterior. I'll mark it with a big red X. :-)
I hope this has been enlightening for all of you, and I appreciate you all taking the time to read!!!