Tuesday, December 29, 2009

... Owwie. My ass... and my Pride.

Somehow, I'm STILL employed... although I'm not there right now. ha. I had to leave yesterday early to go to the ER...

On the way to work, I stopped to get Gas. KNOWING it would be cold the rest of the week, I figured I should fill the tank (I had about 1/4)... Well, I TANKED it when I got out of the car. NO ice around, but I was sitting on my ass on the ground. Since my pride hurt so much I Just got back in the car and drove to work...

After about a half hour/hour my back REALLY started hurting, and my hips, pelvis and my ass. (I fell on it, what did I expect). But what worried me was that Ashlyn wasn't moving around like she normally does. I tried Juice... even a piece of candy. nothing. SO... I Called the OB. they said if she didn't start moving soon, or if the pain increased to get to the ER. ... so I Did.

I got to the ER at 4:29pm. I know that because I had to ask what time to write on the ER sign in sheet because the clock was OBVIOUSLY wrong. (2-something). I was checked in, put in a room... and forgotten about. at about 5:30 someone came in, poked at me... and said that I'd be taken to Ultrasound and then up to L&D for fetal monitoring. ok. cool. at almost 7pm I was finally taken to U/S. then left in a hall way for 35 mins before being taken back to the ER. I BEGGED 3 people in the ER for something to eat. (It was almost 8pm, and I hadn't eaten since 11am!) At 8:30, they brought me a box lunch, a turkey sammich, chippies and an orange. THANKFULLY I had a water in my bag, because when I asked the nurse for a soda or something she walked away. bitch.

At 8:35 I was told I was going to &D for 4 hours! (Why didnt they send me there FIRST?!). I ate my sammich on the way, and got hooked up to the monitors. I didn't mind the NST portion... I had a TV, in a quiet room, and the nurse brought me a water, a cranberry juice and a chicken salad sammich. nom.

Ash was looking great in there... had a few contractions, but all in all it's ok. I got out of the hospital at almost 1am.

And they wont let me go back to work until Thursday. I see my OB on Wednesday and I have another NST that was already scheduled... which they said I have to keep. (I figured).

I've learned NOT to fall down again.

I think at the appointment tomorrow the OB and I will be talking about induction info... because of the Gestational Diabetes and the crap that goes along with that... she's going to be coming into this world earlier than expected. I just hope it's not too early...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

She's got her daddies head...

30week ultrasound and exam yesterday...

Ashlyn is measuring (approx) 3lbs 14oz. She's in the 67.8 percentile. I have actually LOST 2lbs since my last visit, but she's gained it! Her HEAD is HUGE... it's measuring like, 33 weeks or something!

The doctor is concerned about my gestational diabetes and the rate the baby is growing. There is a chance I will need to be induced between 37-39.5 weeks. He doesnt like to let moms with GD go over 40 weeks.

So long as she come out alright, I'll do what ever I have to do... I just hope to have a vaginal delivery and NOT a c-section...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

... I should feel lucky...

I should feel lucky to be employed when SO many people are struggling to find jobs right now, and I KNOW I'm lucky, I'm just MISERABLE.

I KNOW I'm not cut out for my job. I'm pregnant and SUPER emotional. My job... Medical collections. I call people AT HOME, and get their medical bill money that's been sent to collections. Easy right? Eh. No. Calling and asking to speak to "the parents of..." and can you "confirm your childs D.O.B."... baby born in 2006.... $4500.00 in medical bills from a CANCER CENTER. I'm supposed to call, get the money, and get off the phone. People are CRYING, it's almost Christmas, the babies have cancer, $4500 means shit to them, and they're supposed to CARE I want the money when they can't keep their family a-float!?

I've been here for almost 2 months, and the job has completely burnt me out. I have to leave in about an hour to go there, and I'm DREADING it. I mean, so much that I feel physically sick and I'm getting a migraine. and it's ALL the job.

I keep looking on Craigslist, Monster and Career builder for TEMP/SEASONAL jobs, in customer service (since I can't really be on my feet), from NOW until MID-February, and I'm coming up empty. Of course.

No one is going to want to hire a pregnant woman for the next 2 months... seriously...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

what a busy little body....

Here... 28W5D... Me from the side, and one RARE view of my big, fat... baby insulating self. Creeeepppyy!

Started working my 6hr shift... even tho HR hasn't approved it, management said that BY LAW, they can't go against it since it is detrimental to my health. Jackasses. I need to find a new job. I was also told that if HR doesn't "approve" the doctors letter on restricted hours, I could be let go for excessive, unexcused time off. GAAHHH. Isn't this illegal?!
Oh, and I was told by the supervisor I'm "TOO NICE" for collections. and that she HOPES I get the hang of it soon or my career there is short lived. I HAVE COLLECTED OVER A GRAND THIS MONTH JUST LEARNING. bitch. *grumble*

So last night, I had to bail from work at like, 7pm. (Working 230-9) Why? Because I was having contractions. I had 5 in about a 2 hour time span, so I called the Dr. My on Call Dr called me back and said that if I'm not having at least 6 for an hour, 10mins or so apart, lasting 1-2 minutes it's not a big deal, not preterm labor. He said they MAY be from how active the baby is, I may be a little dehydrated or stressed... so to go home, eat a little, drink lots of fluids and lay on my left side. I was BAWLING hysterically at work because I thought things were wrong. Having said that, I'm STILL having contractions, have been all night, 2-5 an hour, and even woke up to one. They aren't painful, but they are mighty uncomfortable. I don't know if I should try to stay home and rest today, or go to work and tough it out. I'm worried about the stress from the assholes at the new job getting to me... *sigh*

At least today is pay day, and I woke up to money in my bank account! Of course, it's ALLLL going to be gone by the end of the day! but still...

I need to call CVS Pharmacy and see if my Insulin pens have come in. I'm not overly enjoying taking insulin with every meal, but it's not FOR me, it's for Ashlyn, and since this little pod person is my life right now, I need to do what I need to do to keep her healthy... and to hopefully avoid complications and a C-Section...

Eh... one good note, it's not snowing or raining!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

... So I've been missing for almost 2 months?!?!

Sometimes life gets in the way of... well..., LIFE!
Let's recap, shall we??

I left my job at Comcast September 19th. Found out we were having a LITTLE GIRL on 9/24/09. (Ashlyn Niamh) and I think that's where we left things...
I was DENIED for unemployment. Comcast told the state I left because I feared being terminated over my absences. Assholes.
Applied EVERYWHERE. Landed a job at a Medical billing/collection company as a Collection Dialer. (I leave those collections messages on your machines! HA!) Started there October 28th. All seemed great!

Started November with the FLU. HAHAHAHA. *ahem* missed a week of my new job. but since everyone at work had the flu, just got a note.

November 4th had U/S of Ashlyn:
She's measuring in the 69th percentile, and she's LOOONNNG. 2 weeks longer than the U/S date (the US was 23W5D, she was measuring 25w3D)
Failed my 1 and 3 hour glucose screening tests. Have Gestational Diabetes. Started Insulin JUST before breakfast LAST week... as of Tuesday I'm on insulin before every meal... Eh. Nothing I can do about it.

Um... Let's see. OH! I WAS working full time. I've been cut to 6hours MAX a day by my OB/Gyn.... because of my hips/back/pelvis and excessive foot swelling. EH. it happens. Start new 6 hour shift today.

Next UltraSound is 12/16/09. As of THIS Friday 12/11/09 I'm going to be 29weeks pregnant, and I have 11 weeks left until my Estimated Due Date. WHERE did the time go?!?!!? Holy crap!

Let's see... what else... I think for the most part that covers it. OH, I LOOK pregnant...
This is 26 weeks, I need to take a new one... but people are ALWAYS in the freaking bathroom at work, and that's the only place I can get a good pic. I'll try again today.

Other than that, life is good. My sister is planning my shower for Sunday, January 31st, and we're just hoping Ashlyn stays in there that long!!!

I'll be back soon, I'm going to TRY not to go missing now that things are back on track a bit.

XoXoXo... Kristen

Friday, September 25, 2009

SO... it's a GIRL!

I've been really slacking. Between STILL having morning sickness (at 18 weeks) and having SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction - http://www.birthsource.com/scripts/article.asp?articleid=189) ... oh, and no longer having a job or source of income... I've been a little stressed.


Today was our Fetal Survey. Peanut is GIRL! We've chosen the name Ashlyn Niamh (pronounced Neev) which means Dream Radiance in Gaelic. Since she's been what we've been dreaming of for YEARS.

She was about 10 ounces, and had a heart rate of about 153.

I'm at a TOTAL loss for words, yet I can't SHUT UP. She was flipping, sucking her thumb, moving, kicking, punching, waving... it was AMAZING. I could have watched that screen for HOURS. It was beautiful. She looks healthy, and has a strong little heart. VERY cool.

So we now have Daddies little Girl. <3

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Introducing... Peanut.

Well... I'm 12weeks, 4 days...
and this is Peanut!

We heard the heart beat... like a Timex watch under water. woosh woosh woosh, ha. While we were doing the ultrasound Peanut FLIPPED over. I saw the baby facing up, then I think I saw JUST the butt, and then UPSIDE DOWN. it was hilarious.

Oh, and Peanut has a little peanut tongue sticking out. TOTALLY our kid!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

I can't believe I forgot to do this!

July 17th 2009, this is Peanut at 8weeks!!!! ha.


Today has been a shit show, so was yesterday....

I felt terrible yesterday. My vision went all wonky, my body parts felt numb, and I thought I was having a stroke. So I did the ONLY sensible thing. I DROVE MY SELF TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. yep...

I got there at about 2:45pm. I explained everything, following up with "and I'm 12 weeks pregnant"... they just looked at me, and told me to have a seat in the waiting room. The MINUTE my ass hit the chair I was whisked into the ER. Blood tests. MORE blood was drawn then when I found out I was pregnant. Then a urine test... and they checked my skin and eyes. Severely dehydrated. I was hooked up to an IV... they did an ultrasound on my carotid arteries (in my neck) to make sure there wasn't any issue or cause to think it was a stroke... I ended up having a total of 3 bags of fluids. about 1/2 way thru the 3rd bag I was taken back to UltraSound to check on Peanut. Measuring JUST over 12 weeks, and looking fabulous. thank god.

so I need to try to stay more hydrated. and have a little gatorade now and then. Throwing up SO much and being so exhausted and sleeping so much is what's leading to the dehydration. blah.

then today, has just been an epic fail. I don't know what's happening with my leave from work... either it's being denied or my time has run out. I got a check for $34 today. WOW. really?! I'm trying to take a hardship withdrawl from my 401K to catch up on bills, and stuff.

We go in on Tuesday (8/18) for testing on Peanut and I to check for potential birth defects. We'll have a new picture then too... and we'll get to hear the heartbeat.

I need to see if I can be released back to work. I can't afford to be out anymore, regardless of how sick I am. I'll figure something out. I'm also now looking for a new job, as I'm completely unhappy with my job and I really don't need the additional stress. (I KNOW every job comes with stresses, but for the last year, I've left work everyday cursing my life and wanting to quit) I need to find something that pays at least with in $2-$3 of what I'm making now... *fingers crossed*

I honestly felt today as if my life was a cruel joke, and that I was going to have a breakdown of epic proportions. 1st, I couldn't SLEEP because the fluids from the IV's hit me around 2-3am, and I had to pee every 15-20minutes until about 11am. (awesome), then there was the NO money in my bank account, the bills we need to pay, my car hating me, trying to eat, FINALLY falling asleep from about 12noon to 2:30pm. (most consecutive sleep in over 48 hours), and then completely botching dinner. (what was SUPPOSED to be a BBQ Chicken w/cornbread casserole, turned to shit. the corn bread burnt, and the chicken was still raw. next time, I'll cook the chicken FIRST).... so I cried. hysterically. I told Sean if I wasn't pregnant I'd throw myself off a roof... but if I wasn't pregnant, I wouldn't WANT to throw myself off a roof. He asked me to kindly wait until AFTER the baby is born. He's so cute.

the only plus I've found recently is this big 33oz (like, 1l) bottles of water called Smart Water... made by the same company that makes VitaminWater.... it's bottled water w/electrolytes. I'm NOT a huge gatorade fan, but sometimes I need SOMETHING, and this seems to work... not to mention I keep refilling the bottles once they are empty and carrying them around since it's a HUGE bottle and it reminds me I need to drink a SHIT load.

... on that note, my neck is KILLING me. my back, neck, hips and shoulders hurt. I'd like to thank the lovely dose of relaxin that my pregnant body is producing for the copious amounts of pain I'm in. The only way I can get comfortable is to lay on the hard wood floor on my back, or lay in bed and not get up.

It's going to be a LONG pregnancy if I can't get this shit to stop... Although, I'm seriously enjoying knowing that I'm growing a little person inside of me, and I'm hoping that subsequent pregnancies get easier, because Sean and I do want a few babies... and I don't want to rip his junk off after this one.

alrighty kiddies, keep it sticky *muah*

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I have some things to say, and this is my conduit to do so.

I?ve spent a lot of time lately thinking, and I wanted to just put a few things out here? not so much for everyone else, but for me. It?s not directed at any one in particular, but I feel that I need to do this for me?

I want to start by saying that I really DO appreciate all the info, stories and ? details that everyone has given me in regards to child birth and pregnancy. I don?t want to sound like I?m NOT grateful, because I am. The info is close and personal to you, and I?m honored that so many of you want to share these intimate details, but I?d really, really don?t want to hear ALL the details of how you brought your precious bundle of joy into the world.

In the past month, I?ve heard all the awesomeness, and all the horror stories of at least 75% of the people I know.
I?ve been told I NEED TO have a natural, drug free birth, I?ve been told I HAVE to breastfeed, I?ve been told what to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat? that if I have a C-section or I use drugs for labor I?d be ?a bad mother?, and I?ve also been told that I NEED to get an epidural, a spinal block, ? a million different things coming from many directions based on everyone else?s experiences.
I?ve also had a few people who?ve just flat out said that regardless of what I do, or how I do it, I?ll be a great mother and to just enjoy the pregnancy and ignore what everyone else is telling me. THIS I appreciate.

What I?m about to say, I say as lovingly as possible?
My pregnancy is NOT your pregnancy? just as yours wasn?t anyone else?s. Seeing as how I have had my body all my life, I know it best, and I trust my doctors who?ve being through hell and high water w/me and my medical issues to assist me in making the BEST decision for me and our child.
Whether or not I do Hypno-birthing, water birthing, c-section, Epidural, Natural? I?m going to be the one growing this child and bringing it into the world, and no matter HOW this child arrives here, all I want is a healthy child.

While I appreciate all the Fem-Nazi?s out there who demand that women have natural drug free child births with only the support of family and a midwife, part of being feminine is having the right to choose what I do with my body, and my options surrounding MY labor and delivery. What works for you, may not work for me, and what works for me, may not work for the rest of the general population.

The way a child is brought into this world does not make a woman any more/less of a mother?. Just as the feeding options doesn?t dictate whether or not she?s a good parent either. Loving and nurturing your child and family is what MAKES you a mom/dad/awesome parent.

If I ask for help, info, opinions and options, then obviously I want them, but I really can do with out the unsolicited information from everyone and their mother on how we should bring Peanut into the world and raise him/her. I respect everyone?s options and opinions on how they want their child raised, and I don?t just anyone else for the decisions they make so long as they are caring for their child. Please don?t pass judgment on me, or anyone else for the decision that are made in our personal lives.

Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

.... it's alll worth it... it's ALLLL worth it...

if it WASN'T all worth it, I'd be a moron! haha.

I've been SO sick for the past few weeks. Morning sickness my sweet ass! ALL FREAKING DAY. *sigh*
And I'm so TIRED. Last night, I went to bed at 11pm, and I slept until NOON today. Apparently Peanut wants me to sleep.

My Fibromyalgia has been acting up a BUNCH, and it's REALLY hard because I can't take anything for it... and my Hyper-Mobility has been evil too. Apparently these weird joint aches are normal in pregnancy, but my excess collagen in my joints doesnt make it any easier!!

I had my 1st migraine since finding out I was pregnant on Tuesday. ... only being exacerbated by VOMITING. Normally when I have a migraine, I take a Midrin, or I use my Imitrex shot... neither of which are OK during pregnancy... so I just toughed it out. Some Tylenol, some Coffee, and napping. Took about 15 hours to go away. blah.

It still hasn't really hit me that we're having a baby. Sean is having the same issue. We talk about it, but it's just not "real" yet.... Next Friday July 17th we have to go back in for an ultrasound... and I'm all wonky about seeing the heartbeat. I KNOW that's when it's going to hit me it's real, and that will probably be when I cry. ha.

anyway. I've spent the day watching episodes of "THE CLEANER", on A&E w/Benjamin Bratt. I'm officially obsessed with the show, and almost every episode makes me cry. If you haven't seen it, check it out :) TOTALLY worth it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

So... it's real now...

This... this is {Peanut}. the Ultrasound places me at 5weeks 2days, my Last period places me at like, 6weeks 3days, my FertilityFriends print out places me at 5weeks 5days. So, we're saying, for now, somewhere between 5-6weeks. I have to go back in 2 weeks on Friday July 17th at 11:30am to get my 2nd ultrasound, which should let us properly date everything.

I had my FULL exam.
Internal (vaginal) UltraSound (I totally wasn't planning for that....) ... it's REALLY as uncomfortable as it sounds. What's MOST uncomfortable is TALKING to the nurse while she HAS the freaking camera wand places somewhere mighty unpleasant. ha.
OOOODLES of bloodwork. LITERALLY. like, 12 vials of blood... felt like a thousand.
Exam... PapSmear, Cultures, ... what I've deemed "Palpation of my Uterus" which the doctor says is "enlarged" and "definitely pregnant"... then all sorts of talking and reviewing.

It still doesn't seem real. There is an alien growing in my uterus. My body is now an apartment for a small being. Seems creepy!!!

When I go back in 2 weeks we should see the Peanut with little arms, and possibly the heartbeat. It's very surreal. VERY SURREAL.

So, all excitement aside, this week has been very taxing. The weather has caused a fabulous Fibromyalgia flare, and I can't take anything. ... oh, wait, I can take Tylenol... which just just a HAIR above NOTHING. The Fibro is irritating my IBS, which is making me feel like CRAP in general, on top of the nauseous, punched in the boobs feeling I'm already experiencing.

LUCKILY, all this hasn't impacted any of the Chiari or Chiari Symptoms. THAT is a plus. My OBGyn knows quite a bit about Chiari, and he's hopeful I'll be ok w/out meds.

At this point, with my weight and medical issues (since they're being controlled and conquered) I really shouldn't have to worry much about being a "High Risk" Pregnancy... but around/after week 20 we should have a better idea.

.... I still can't believe there is a pod person growing in me... weird.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

the beginning of life?

So... I've been throwing up on and off, daily, for over a week.

My ultrasound and initial prenatal exam are on Wednesday the 1st of July, and with the help of Fertility Friend we've determined I should be due around February 26th 2010. I'm going to bring my chart to my OBGYN so he can help confirm the dates.

I KNOW we shouldn't be celebrating so early... because anything can happen between week 5 to week 9 or so... but DAMN IT.... We totally can't help it. We've been trying since 2006, and damn it, I'm excited.

I have a lot of questions for my Gyno...
How will my Fibromyalgia affect my pregnancy? What about my Chiari? How is my IBS going to respond to pregnancy? There are a bunch of things I worry about.... Especially surrounding the Chiari... Since it's considered an "neural tube" defect... I worry if I've gotten adequate nutrition and vitamins this far... I've been taking a Prenatal, as well as a DHA & Folic Acid supplement. Then my Vitamin D and a Calcium supplement. ... so I have my fingers crossed.

We have a long road a head of us, but I couldn't be more excited about what the future holds...

Monday, June 22, 2009



Saturday, June 20, 2009

In 2 hours.... Sean and I will be married for a year. So many big things going on for us. I can't wait to see what the future brings

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sean and I registered at BabiesRUs today... while we're on vacation and... Sean bought us a 3pack of RedSoxs onsies

Thursday, June 18, 2009



I've been nauseous and crummy the last few days.

Today, I went to the doctor, and had some blood work done.

it's official. I'm pregnant. I'm NOT kidding. I'm going to be a mommy, and Sean gets his 1st Father's Day this Sunday, which is also our 1 year anniversary.

I'm speechless.

I have to go back any day between Monday and Thursday to have a 2nd blood test, since my hormone levels are a bit low... but we're confident (me and the dr.) it's low because I am not due for my period until Sunday/Monday... so it's really early.

We haven't told anyone yet. We're waiting... until the 2nd round of blood work...

... and now I'm leaving to go camping. I'll be back on Monday...

I feel like I need to throw up. But I'm so excited.

Now... to see how pregnancy and Chiari play...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

a battle I can win

I’ve spent about 1/2 my life as a slave to pharmaceutical companies… from a young age, I found myself wrapped up in bottles of multi-hued pills and tablets. As a teenager, it was recreational (and stupid) just as kids are… but as I’ve grown older and approached adulthood, it was no longer fun, it was necessary.
By the time I was 18, the pain in my body and head were getting more and more severe. Migraines, back pain (I have an abnormal curvature at the base of my spine… no one knows how it was missed during all those scoliosis screenings in school), joint and body pain… that was later diagnosed as Fibromyalgia and Hyper-mobility syndrome, and my head pain… my dear and beloved Chiari.
Muscle relaxers (Flexeril, Soma, Baclofen) became a good friend around the age of 18… they made my back feel better, and usually my neck… and they helped me to fall asleep. They did little for any other pains though…
Shortly after that, I grew more and more affectionate toward pain killers. Percocet, Vicodin… and for all over body pain, Valium. They took away the pain that I had in my joints… Then there was the Fiorecet… that helped with the Tension headaches.
I became SO reliant on my medications that I would be in severe pain if I didn’t take some.
From about 18 to just after my 27th birthday, I don’t think there was a day that passed where I didn’t take SOMETHING.
I hid my love of colored tablets well. Functioned, worked at times 2 jobs and went to school… but it grew harder and harder to deal with. There were points where I had 2 Primary Care physicians and BOTH were giving me different meds… one would give me Flexeril and Percocet, the other, Soma and Vicodin. I was always stocked.
As the pain in my body grew and because worse, I started seeing specialists and other doctors… (Neurologist, Neurosurgeons, Rheumatist…) and everyone would have a different pill in mind for a different ailment. My dresser looked like a shelf in a pharmacy. 5-10 little orange bottles, with labels with names of pills that made people look at me like I was crazy.
I’m an addict. Plain and simple. And I always will be.
I tried time after time to just take things when I had pain, but it would only last that way for a short amount of time. After a few days of “behaving” I’d end up with a mix of different pills dissolving in my belly and filling my veins with a calming happiness.

If it hadn’t been for Monkey, my sister and my friends, I don’t think I could have ever stopped. At the end I was averaging 4-6 Muscle relaxers a day, 4-8 Vicodins a day, and then I had my random Percocets and Valiums or Fiorecets. Body full of pills, at all times, morning, day, night… and in the evening, washed down with a tasty adult beverage.
I conquered my “demon” on Christmas day 2008. I stopped. I shook UNCONTROLLABLY for days. Vomiting, doubled over in pain, sweating, freezing, and every muscle and joint in my body was on fire. Monkey supported me in a way I never could have imagined. So strong for me… and no one had ever cared that much before.
I had my surgery in January 2009… I was afraid. I KNEW I’d been “clean” less than a month, and I was going to be thrown head first into that element again. But I was stronger this time. I made a bottle of pills meant for 20days last about 2 months. I tried to just take Tylenol or Motrin when I could. And I did. I succeeded.
Hot showers and heating pads replaced bottles …. Stretching and yoga replaced pills. Slow and steady.
I stopped all meds in March… 2 months after surgery. VERY rarely I need a muscle relaxer, but I try to only take 1/2 a pill now… and that’s 1/2 a pill a week, and only if the muscle pain in my neck is unbearable.
Multi Vitamins, Vitamin D and Calcium have become the main staples of my “pill” diet now. And Tons of water and green tea. The pain was for a reason. My Vitamin D deficiency, lack of minerals and nutrients my body REALLY needed…

I’ll always have that “itch” in the back of my brain that I will want to scratch… but I know I can’t. I’ve been put in the situation where my old best bottle friends were right in front of me, and I held on to Monkey’s hand and realized that the life I have now is the life that’s worth living… not where I was. He reminds me to be strong. Not just for him, but for myself. He reminds me that I need to take care of myself for ME… because no one else can do it for me.
… and to take care of myself for our future family.
I’m healthier now than I’ve been in years. I’m not the HEALTHIEST person alive, and I never will be. But I’m the healthiest me I can be. I’m clean, for the 1st time in 10 years, I’m clean, and I’m enjoying my life that way.

I didn’t need an inpatient program, or a counselor… but I’m not like anyone else. Some people NEED that help, and maybe someday in the future, I’ll need to see someone to stay on the straight and narrow. I’ve even debated NA classes to make sure I can do it. But I know I can now. A week was the longest time I ever spent with out the pills, and that was just to try to drop my tolerance.

What’s amazing, is that I don’t even LIKE the feeling the meds gave me before. Post Op, I hated that lack of control feeling… and I had so many meds in the hospital (Morphine, Valium, Toradol, Percocet) and I hated the lack of control.

It’s going to be a long road, but it’s worth it. My body is cleaned out, and being healthy is the 1st step to a healthy baby…

With that being said... http://www.theantidrug.com . This is occuring more in more in Teens and young adults, and there is a high abuse level for Rx meds, and parents don't know. Please, educate yourself and safeguard your home and your children.

Friday, June 5, 2009

more Chiari and Pregnancy



Since Chiari often is diagnosed in a person's late 20's or early 30's, many women with Chiari become concerned whether it will impact their plans for a family. Beyond the question of whether Chiari can be passed to children, there is a concern about whether pregnancy, and more importantly labor, can cause Chiari symptoms to get worse.
Their concern is certainly valid. Chiari symptoms in general can get worse with straining and exertion, and there is no straining quite like that associated with labor and delivery. The contractions and pushing that occur during labor are likely to increase the pressure of the CSF inside the brain and spine. In addition, anesthesia is often given either just outside the dura or into the CSF space itself, raising other concerns.
While there is little research in this area, the few case studies which have been published (see Related Articles) are generally positive. These case studies have shown that with proper management, delivery is possible without aggravating Chiari symptoms.
In the February, 2005 issue of the Journal of Perinatology, Diane Mueller, a neurosurgical nurse doctorate, and Dr. John Oro, a neurosurgeon, add to this evidence by presenting seven cases of Chiari and pregnancy. In looking at the subject, Dr. Mueller wanted to answer three questions:

1) Is there a change or worsening of Chiari related symptoms during pregnancy, delivery, or post-partum?
2) Does epidural or intrathecal anesthesia change or worsen symptoms?
3) Are there any Chiari related complications during delivery or post-partum?

To answer these questions, Dr. Mueller asked 7 women who were diagnosed with Chiari and were pregnant either at the time they were evaluated or some time afterward to fill out answer a questionnaire. The questionnaire asked about symptoms experienced during the pregnancy, the type of delivery, anesthesia used, symptoms after delivery, and whether there were any complications.
The average age of the women was 29 (see Table1). The average size of the Chiari malformation was 9mm and two of the women had syrinxes as well. Most of the women got pregnant after undergoing decompression surgery, but two of the women were pregnant before surgery.

Table 1 - Selected Characteristics of 7 Pregnancies

Case Age CM Size (mm) SM (Y/N) Length of Labor (Hours) Anesth. Type of Delivery Surgery Before or After Delivery
1 30 8 Y 9 Epidural Vaginal After
2 28 7 N 3 None Vaginal After
3 27 4 N 6 Epidural Vaginal Before
4 30 19 Y 3.5 None Vaginal Before
5 23 3 N 1 None Vaginal Before
6 31 10 N .33 Epidural Not Clear Before
7 32 13 N 7 Epidural Vaginal Before

Overall, the group fared very well. For most of the women, some symptoms got slightly worse during pregnancy but resolved fairly quickly (see Table 2). Interestingly, in some cases symptoms - mostly headaches - actually got better at times during the pregnancy. Labor and delivery didn't aggravate symptoms at all, and only one woman had a slight problem post-partum which resolved in the near-term. Anesthesia did not seem to be an issue as well, with several women receiving epidurals with no problems. Overall there were no Chiari related complications during delivery.

Table 2 - Summary of Symptom Changes During & After Pregnancy

Case Pregnancy Labor/Delivery Post-Partum
1 Slightly worse None None
2 Some slightly better, some slightly worse None None
3 Some better, some worse None None
4 Slightly worse None None
5 None None None
6 Some slightly better, some slightly worse None None
7 None None Short-term neck pain, spasms
Even when all Chiari related pregnancy reports are combined, the number of cases is too few to draw strong conclusions. However, it is encouraging that at least several women with Chiari have been able to have successful pregnancies without aggravating their symptoms.
Interestingly, despite these publications, a number of women have reported anecdotally that pregnancy/delivery actually triggered their initial symptoms. In Milhorat's landmark study, 16 out of 364 Chiari patients reported pregnancy as a precipitating event. Is it possible that pregnancy can trigger initial symptoms, but in general does not worsen existing ones? Like so many Chiari related questions, the answer to this one will require much more research

Chiari and Pregnancy

ot all Chiarians are created equal. It is important to see a specialist in the field to properly evaluate how to deliver if you have Chiari Malformation/ Syringomyelia. The presence of SM may require C-section rather than vaginal delivery.

Patients with Posterior Fossa Decompression who are pregnant: Patients with successful decompression or very minimal Chiari symptoms have less risk when an epidural is part of the plan. If prolonged labor occurs this can put more pressure on the central nervous system (brain and spinal column) and the option for a C-section should be considered. If you have had a successful decompression a vaginal delivery should be considered. Some patients are under-decompressed, so this rule is only true for successful PFD's. In order to know if you are a successful decompression you need an MRI of the brain and some resolution of symptoms.

Patients without a Posterior Fossa Decompression and no SM: They are usually monitored closely. Anepidural can worsen CM/SM if the epidural is performed too deep (goes past the dura). Also a vaginal delivery can make CM worse if you have a syrinx.

Patients with NO decompression and with SM: The size of the syrinx matters. An open MRI is recommended at 35 weeks gestation. If the MRI reveals a larger syrinx or neurological signs are increasing, a C-section is indicated. If one is stable and the syrinx has not changed, you may proceed to the 40th week of pregnancy and be careful with the epidural as stated above.

Of course, if you are disproportioned (the baby is larger than your birth canal) one must go C-section. Usually during pregnancy many patients feel better and some of your symptoms can improve. Every patient is different and on should have an evaluation prior to delivery."

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Baby Brain...

We're smack dab in the middle of our 3rd cycle Trying to Conceive....

Most of our friends know that we're trying to get knocked up, but not many actually know what I'm going thru to try to achieve this, and to make Monkey a daddy. (and of course, me a mommy!)

I have a chart...

I take my temperature EVERY day at 6am, whether or not I HAVE TO GET UP AT THAT TIME OR NOT. (believe me, It's not something I'm getting adjusted to)
I take Ovulation Predictor tests. I pee on a stick every day for like a WEEK until it's positive, and even then, it's a guessing game of when I'll actually ovulate. (up to 48hours later).
I keep track of when we're... intimate (or at least try to. I miss days here and there if they aren't in the "fertile time frame")
I take supplements and vitamins to "enhance my chances" of being fertile.

I mean, I KNOW we could try the "laid back" approach with no charts, timing, temps... and just wing it. We did that last time... for 18months we were just "winging" it... and nothing. I am trying to increase our chances, and if it doesn't happen after 6months, have some thing to show my doctor and say "LOOK! We tried, we timed it perfectly, we did everything we could" and then try to move on with treatments.

I was told when I was younger that due to the cysts on my ovaries I'd have issues getting pregnant. Then I was told that I didn't ovulate. Then I had the precancerous cervical cells removed and that left a little bit of scar tissue on my cervix that could make it harder to get pregnant (and then there is also a concern that because I had to have that portion of my cervix removed that it could be weakened during pregnancy and I may need to go on bedrest early)

My CURRENT Gyno is amazing. He tells me everything, whether I want to hear it or not. He let me know that the cysts shouldn't cause an issue, and well, it's apparent I'm ovulating because of my charts and OPKs (those ovulation tests).

Monkey has been awesome about everything. He's learned more about Basal Body Temperature (that's your temp as SOON as you wake up... that's why I chart at 6am every day), about Cervical position and bodily fluids... and he's seen more tests with lines on them then I think he's ever wanted to. He has an idea of how to read my chart, what #'s are good, what stats look off... and it's weird. ha.

It's always amazed me how many people "accidentally" get pregnant when there is such a small fertile window each month! Yes. I'm jealous. there I said it.

I'm hoping something happens soon.... because every negative test hurts just a little more than the last, and it's incredibly discouraging....

Friday, May 29, 2009

I spend too much time fiddling with technology

.... memories.

As the boy and I approach our 1 year wedding anniversary, I can't help but stop and think of all the things we've been through since we met in August 2004.

He's stood by my side through so many things. It's amazing to think of all the things we've been through, and to think of all the things we'll tackle together.

We started talking because I was moving. I was out celebrating my last night of work, and that's the night we started to talk. We met through a mutual friend who humiliated me. I thought that he told him I thought he was hot... and he didn't they were talking about Baseball or something... but I ran over and asked him what Bruce told him... about me thinking he was hot. He said nothing, but thanks. Ha. Humiliated he told me to sit down, and we started talking. I NEVER would have thought that after that formal introduction we'd be married all these years later.

So... We met in August 2004, and started officially dating and became a "couple" on October 11th 2004. It was never a will you go out with me sorta thing. We were laying down watching TV and the conversation came up about "what you you tell someone I am to you if they asked". I said boyfriend, he said girlfriend and then it was settled.

I got my job back, because I decided not to move. (my mom's house was being built in Florida, and the hurricanes stopped the work.) I ended up staying here and forging an amazing relationship in Boston instead.

We were pretty inseparable for the first year. Seriously. If we weren't working, we were together. The first Friday in February 2005 I needed an emergency appendectomy and he stayed by my side at the hospital until I TOLD him to leave because I was being transferred to another hospital for surgery. I called him before I went into surgery (it was after midnight. I got to the 1st hospital at 4pm... and I was transferred to another hospital around 11pm. He stayed there the whole time trying to comfort me.) I was released from the hospital the next day... which was a BIG deal because the following day, Sunday, was Super Bowl Sunday, and it was MANDATORY I be home to watch it with him! He helped me get around the house after surgery, even walking me to the bathroom and waiting outside the door because I couldn't move right. I realized at that moment that I really couldn't let him go.

We moved in together in June 2005. We got a 1 bedroom Condo/apartment in Revere. It was small, but it was ours. It was our 1st REAL apartment, for both of us, that we weren't sharing with other people. It was amazing to know we were coming home to one another. Everything was pretty awesome.

In August 2005 I had an abnormal papsmear, and ended up having to have precancerous cervical cells removed in September 2005. I was pretty fragile during this time, because, well, any thing that revolves around the word CANCER is terrifying! Again, the Boy took care of me and made sure I was comfortable and had everything I needed. The surgery was a success and now almost 4 years later my cervix is doing fantastic!
The doctor let me know that I had to wait at least 18 months post surgery before we should get pregnant, pending upcoming papsmears. (every 3 months for the 1st year, every 6 months for the following 2 years, then back to yearly after)

In early 2006 the doctors found a small lump in my breast and I had to have an ultrasound done. Again, while I freaked out, the Boy sat tight by my side letting me know everything would be ok, that he'd be here no matter what, and that he would care for me regardless of what life threw at me.
The lump turned out to be a fatty deposit. Shocking. :) I've always been a bit fatty.

By the summer of 2006 we'd decided that we wanted to have a family, and we wanted to casually start trying... since the doctor said it was ok. I came off birth control and we kept our fingers crossed. From July 2006 until January 2008 we tried, and tried and tried... to no avail.

in the middle of this, My IBS was diagnosed... evil, evil, evil.

We got engaged August 26th, 2007. Even with all my medical issues, he STILL wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. I was amazed. We set the wedding for 3/21/09 initially. Then, with all the medical stuff, and knowing I'd probably be having brain surgery in the beginning of the year, I wouldn't be healed enough to enjoy the wedding. We moved it up by 9 months. To June 21st 2008, the 1st day of summer. It was the BEST decision I've ever made, and it was the most gorgeous wedding.

Things went along pretty uneventfully. No babies,... and continued pain all over my body. Mainly my head.

Then I had the IUD put in. January 2008. 18 months of trying to make a little baby... and nothing. Eh. We got over it. He told me it would happen when it was right.

He stayed by my side and supported me with ALLL The Chiari Malformation stuff... and the headaches, and the Fibromyalgia, and the IBS.... and the not getting pregnant the 1st time around. He's so incredibly caring and compassionate. It's amazing. I've never known anyone like him before.

Which brings us to present.

Surgery is over... and now we're moving on.
The IUD is now out.... Since March 2009, and we're working on our 3rd cycle of trying to conceive. He gets just as antsy as I do in the 2week wait before you can test... he is just as curious about my OPK's (Ovulation predictor tests) and if I'm fertile, and through all my talk about it, he's even learned a bit about reading my Fertility Chart. I'm sure these are things he NEVER cared to know, and probably wishes he could forget, but he smiles the whole way through.

Hopefully my healing will continue, and we'll make lots of babies soon.

It's just amazing to me that someone would stand by through all this.
precancerous cell removal
Brief Hospitalization from IBS
Brain Surgery
and me just being evil from IBS, Chiari and Fibromyalgia.

I don't know what he sees when he looks at me, but it must be pretty amazing through his eyes. I don't know if I'd be strong enough to stand by someone through all this. It was hard enough for me to go through all this, but to watch from the sidelines and not be able to do anything to fix what's wrong.

I'm incredibly luck and fortunate.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

from the beginning....

... I'm Kristen, and I'm a blog-a-holic. I guess that's a good place to start. I'm 27, have a Chairi Malformation, IBS, Fibromyalgia and I want to be a mommy.... sometimes I have a lot to say, sometimes, I have nothing. This is one of those a lot times...

So, I'll start at the beginning.

From the time I was about 18 or so, (1999/2000) I always had some stellar and amazing headaches. I didn't know how to explain them, but I tried like hell to doctors.

My PCP at the time, still my pediatrician, had no interest in what I was saying. She told me that the amazing pain I was feeling were migraines, stress headaches, tension headaches, and at one point, told me to come off birthcontrol, because I may be having a stoke. Shocked that I felt healthy and awesome, and was being told I may be having a stroke, and noticing that she REALLY couldn't care less about my health and wellbeing, and just seemed to ask more and more questions about my "recreational drug use"... I opted to switch doctors.

The next PCP was really no better. She "sorta" listened. From the 1st day I walked into her office, I told her everything. Headaches, pain, feeling like I was going to pass out or fall over... again... I was told "tension and stress" headaches, and given an Rx for muscle relaxers, and occasionally vicodin / percocet. She DID send me for 1 Xray and 1 Spine MRI because I had pain in my back and hips. That was in July 2004. I only remember because my MRI was the same day as my mom's wedding. All that the MRI told her was that my hips were a little misaligned and I have mild scoliosis. I didn't understand why she wanted to look at my back and spine when it was my HEAD that hurt... but what ever. Needless to say, when she stopped listening, and just kept feeding me pills, I opted to look elsewhere, again, BUT I did make sure to get brand new 12 month Rx's for muscle relaxers and percocets.

So in early 2005 I decided to take my medical records and go to my current PCP, who might I add, is awesome. I told her everything, from the start, just like every other doctor. She put me on Imitrex for my migraines, and Flexeril for the pain that was getting worse and worse in my neck/shoulders. It worked for a little while. I tried to eliminate stress, and she didn't think it was a stroke. Score.

In about Mid-2006 I started getting really sick and losing weight at an alarming rate. I lost like, 15lbs in a weeks time. It was BAD. I couldn't keep any food in my system... and ended up having a really dear friend go with me to the hospital, where I was "admitted" (I was only there for a few hours) and given fluids because I was dehydrated. I told my doctor everything, and she immediately referred me to a Gastroenterologist. (Finally! A doctor who listens!) After a barrage of tests I don't care to ever go thru again... we determined I didn't have Crohn's disease, or colitis... IBS it is. I refused meds, but after a few more years, gave in and now Dicyclomine helps. A LOT.

so... time went on, and I tried to get on with life. In July 2006 the boy and I decided to start trying to have a family... but didn't have much luck...

More time passed, and I still had these ... what I dubbed "mini headaches" once in a while. Now, don't let mini fool you. They weren't. Let me help you understand what I was feeling (and still occasionally feel). [Put your hands on your head... over your ears, so that your fingers are on the back of your head, where the little ridge is. Ok... you found the ridge. Good. Now what I feel is this: imagine someone... a giant even, putting their hands there, digging them into your scalp straight to the bone, and them PEELING the back of your head off and up over the top of your head. That's probably the best way to describe them. My mini headaches were later changed to "Chiari headaches".]
... in July 2007 I explained to my PCP that the "mini headaches" were getting worse and more frequent... that I was having them anywhere from 10-40 times a day, and they'd last a few seconds to a minute. She said she STILL didn't think it was a stroke, probably just tension headaches, but sent me for a brain MRI to be safe. I went in mid-July and had the Brain MRI done... and since I never heard back from the doctors office, I figured all was good.
Then, the 1st week of August was MISERABLE. I ended up in the hospital... it was August 2nd or 3rd... I went to the ER because I thought I was dying. LEGIT dying. I REALLY thought everyone was wrong and I was having a stroke. I was laying on a bed in a dark ER room, crying. my head felt like the back of it was going to explode any second. I was throwing up, and I felt like My whole body was revolting against me. My hands and arms were week, and I felt uncoordinated. The ER nurse said she thought it was a severe Tension Headache, gave me a few percocets and muscle relaxers and left the room. An ER doctor then came in and asked me if I'd talked to my PCP. I said no, why? He said that there was something "abnormal" in my brain MRI, but that they couldn't discuss it, and they had called my PCP and I had to go in 1st thing tomorrow, they were holding a space.

AWESOME. I'm dying. I'm NOT having a stroke, but Something is obviously wrong. they just told me.... So I went home, took the pills and crashed for the night.

The next morning, bright and early, I went to my PCP's office... terrified. She brought me in and asked how I'd been... ha. really? So we started talking, and she tried her best to explain my MRI to me. She said she'd never dealt with this before, so she was learning with me. This was how she explained it to me:
"You have something called a Chiari Malformation. Picture your head is an apartment. Your skull is the walls and the floor. Where your spine comes into your head is like the plumbing coming up to the apartment, and your brain is sitting on the floor. Now... what's happening is that your brain is, well, it's too big for the apartment and is being pushed out of the hole where your plumbing is. That's what is causing your headaches. it doesnt go away, or get better, but it can get worse, possibly causing paralysis."

Funny explaination, but it said a lot to me. She referred me to a neurologist. I promptly went home and googled the shit out of Chiari Malformation.
I also called work, and went out on Short Term Disability. I was god-smacked, and I wanted time to deal with things as I learned.

I saw the Neurologist in Mid-August 2007. He was FANTASTIC, and is still, hands down, one of my favorite doctors. I see him about every 6months still. We went over everything, and he wanted me to see a Neurosurgeon to discuss surgery. *gulp* So I scheduled an appointment the 1st week of September for a Brain MRI, Full Spine MRI with and with out contract, and a Dynamic Flow study (to see how my cervical spinal fluid is moving), and to see the NS.
the NS told me that I did indeed have Chiari, but he wanted to try meds to see if I felt better, and referred me back to my Neurologist... then he took a 6 month sabatical, and I had NO ONE to go back to. ha. asshat.
Back at the Neurologist, we tried a bunch of different meds... Finally landing on Topamax, Baclofen, and Vicodin to control the migraines, body pain, and muscle pain. as well as Fiorecet for when my head hurt more and the Imitrex didn't help. I gave up a bit, and went back to work in December 2007.

In January 2008 I had a Mirena IUD put in since all the meds were NOT good with pregnancies (Topamax can cause Neural Tube defects)... and I was sure that the past 4 years of Percocet, Vicodin and Muscle Relaxers wasnt the best either... The dreams of being a mom were bent and dented, but not crushed totally.

the boy and I planned our wedding, then moved it to June 21st 2008, because, well, 1-we love eachother, and 2-we didnt know what the future held. I became his wife, and it was the most beautiful day, ever. It was also the 1st day in a long time that I didn't 'hurt' and that I didn't get a headache... until later after the wedding. but still!!

I kept going back to the Neurologist every 2 months... and was eventually referred to a Rheumatist for the pain that was also getting worse all over my body. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and my Rheumy was determined that the Chari was exacerbating the condition. He stated that he really thought surgery would help, but that it wasn't up to him... but he'd call my Neurosurgeon and talk to him.

August 2008 I had secondary MRI's done for follow up, and then I went BACK to the Neurosurgeon. The Boy went with me. We were excited and hopeful because we really, really though that this would be the appointment that Surgery was discussed. We took the T in (Thank goddess for Boston's transportation system, gets you EVERYWHERE) and got to the appointment early. We sat in the waiting room for FOREVER (seriously, OVER an HOUR) then we were placed in an exam room, where we sat for forever AND a day. The Surgical Assistant came in and talked to me. We went over EVERYTHING, and he discussed surgery. I couldn't believe it. I'd been waiting and waiting for help. He went to get the Neurosurgeon, and then BAM.... seriously, BAM, the Surgeon walked in and said "NOPE. Your symptoms aren't caused by the Chiari. I recommend that you see a Neurologist and a Rheumatist and go from there". I was SHOCKED. I looked him dead in the face and said "I don't want to be brash, but my NEUROLOGIST and RHEUMY referred me to YOU. and you're refusing to help me? Are you Kidding? I want a 2nd opinion, I think you're wrong". He said OK, walked out, came back, the Assistant handed me a business card, and then left. NO words said. I sat there, looking at the boy in disbelief. We left. I never went back.

I called my mom that night to tell her what happened. She's an MRI tech, and she knows all about the Chiari and symptoms from Scanning patients. She tells me that she JUST scanned a woman with Chiari, who has a specialist in Boston who performed her surgery and her life has improved so much it's like night and day. My mom got her email address and was holding on to it. Hmmm... So I emailed her. Christine is her name. She's awesome.

Christine told me her story, and gave me Dr. Craig vanHorne's information. I called him, and I had my 1st appointment with him on September 11th 2008. My little sister went with me. Dr. vanHorne went over my MRI's, and all my information (they even sent me all the medical paperwork to fill out and bring with me, since it's easier on the patient that way!). Then, it happened. He looked at me and said he thinks I'm a great candidate for surgery, and the goal would be to signicantly reduce my headaches (there was no guarantee they'd ever "go away") and improve my quality of life. And he said he could do it any time... this month even.
We opted to wait until after the holidays, and schedule for January (besides, then my Short Term disability would reset)

The months from September to January DRAGGED. The cold months were excrutiating. My head, my whole body... just, pain. Halloween passed, then Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas and then New Years. None of which I could really celebrate or drink on because my meds didn't mix well with the alcohol. ... the 1st week of January I went in for pretesting with one of my friends, and I had to sign my surgical paperwork.... and on it... very clearly, it said:
"surgical complications include blindness, paralysis and less percentages, death"
The doctor was VERY quick to let me know there were NO recorded cases of this, but it had to be there. Then again, my biggest concern was how much of my head were they going to shave. But I knew that the benefits FAR outweighed the dangers. I was being temp. paralyzed now... and I was losing my hearing.. and I was miserable. What did I REALLY have to lose?

The weekend before my surgery we had a big "party" ... that was actually very emotional and surreal. That night, I realized I was having brain surgery... and that these people, my friends and family, were here to "see me off" just incase. I didn't cry... at least, not infront of anyone. My sister did that for me. I cried when I got home. I was scared, but excited.

Tuesday, January 13th 2009, at 5am I woke up....
we had to be at St. Elizabeth's in Brighton MA at 6:30. My mom and her wife drove us.

I got registered and everything... and after the "battle" to find a vein to give me my IV in, I was ready for surgery. My surgery started at 9am, Suboccipital Crainotomy, C1 Lamenectomy, Brainstem Decompression and a Duraplasty. (they removed a piece of my skull and part of my C1, then opened up the covering of my brain to make room for everything, and sewed in a patch to close it all up and make everything "fit better")
It was supposed to be about 3-4 hours. I woke up in Neuro-ICU at 5pm. I was doing great, but I had some complications. my surgery took just over 7hours, and according to my doctor, was the hardest surgery he'd had in years. They got everything done, but, in the back of my head they ran into an issue. See... in infants there are "sinuses" of blood that feed the brain. As the baby grows and grows, the sinuses close up.... Mine never did. They ran into a massive blood fest back there and had to take a TON of time fixing that. But it's all good... it also explained why when I had headaches I could feel my pulse. There was extra goodness back that. (I'm determined that the sinuses not closing up fed my brain and made it too big for my head. ha.)

I was in the hospital for 6 days. I came home on Monday, January 19th. (Sunday the 18th was my dad's birthday, and I felt terrible I was in the hospital for it!) My healing went incredibly well, and I was ahead of the game the whole time. The next day, post surgery, I was already sitting up and eating (even after being up all night throwing up from the Ambien and the Percocet on an empty tummy). The doctors had no idea how I was sitting up, I shouldn't have been according to them. My answer... I couldn't see the TV. ha.
I was HEAVILY medicated. Toradyl, Percocet, Morphine, Valium, plus I was still on my Topamax. oh.. and an Anti-nausea med, and I was on Keflex antibiotics. I spent the 1st night and the 2nd day in ICU, then day 3 I was moved to my own room. It was private too, I was shocked. By the 4th day, I was antsy. I got to stand, and walk! (I pissed off the physical therapist sent to help me... when we were walking, I told her how to do her job. Where to stand so that I didn't trip over my wires and tubes... and then, when she said "WOW, You're doing a good job" I responded with "Well, I've been walking since I was 2, I should be good". She never came back...) ANY time I could, I walked. When my sister came, when the Boy came... I walked. and walked. and walked. And I knew where the key to the Ice Cream was. ha.
Day 5 all my wires and tubes were out. I could get up to pee, and, I GOT TO TAKE A SHOWER! GOD THAT ROCKED! It was the 1st time I really got to see what my head looked like. I used my camera phone as a mirror. That was also the BEST shower of my life.
The whole time I was in the hospital, there wasn't a day that went by when the boy wasn't there. My sister was there ALL the time. I'm shocked she still had a job after! My mom, My dad, my brother, my friends... they all came to see me and check on me. I fell asleep a lot, but drugs do that!
Monday I was released. In a way I was sad... the nurses were so awesome, and I really enjoyed being taken care of!!! but I was happy to go home to my husband, ferrets, and home. We hit CVS on the way home, and I filled my meds. I walked around for about 45minutes in the store, and I was so proud of myself... Until I got home and I was in massive pain!!! ALL the drugs in my system had worn off.

I was on Percocet for 2 months, Valium for 20 days, and I had Baclofen and Vicodin for back up. I didn't think it was going to be enough. My heat pack and Ice pack were my best friends.
Coming home was very... humbling. I couldn't get out of bed the 1st week. I thought my head was falling off because the muscles were soo weak. Mr. Hubby had to pick me up like an infant. Craddling my head while I held onto it, and craddling my back to sit me up. Once I was up, I was fine, but it was GETTING to a sitting position that was tough.

I honestly thought that I'd be "good as new" after 4-6 weeks. I was wrong. at the 4 week mark I still couldn't turn my head. I was referred to a Physical Therapist in mid February... and I was happy to go. 2 times a week I went and she was AWESOME. I was cleared to drive the end of March... and that was the MOST amazing feeling.

On March 5th, after coming off ALL my medications (except the Dicyclomine for my tummy) I had the IUD taken out, and I was told that we're cleared to try to get pregnant... and that my healing was going awesome.
April brought my return to work and going down to once a week for PT.

Now we're approaching June, being in my 5th month of recovery/success and my 1 year wedding anniversary.

I'm still healing. It's going to be a while, but I have full motion back in my neck, I'm getting stronger and stronger by the day (Stronger than I was BEFORE surgery!) and healthier (I can walk now with out being in pain!) plus... my fibro symptoms have gotten better as well.

My incision is still hating me. There are spots that... leak, now and then... but I'm on Keflex antibiotics now, and they think it'll be fine soon. Just a little pocket of fluids, no spinal fluid leaks.

I seriously can't believe how much better I feel. I'm like a whole new person.... but there is still a long road ahead of me. Surgery isn't a 100% fix. It took me YEARS to be diagnose, it will take many more months to recover, and there is a chance that the symptoms can return, and I may need additional surgeries later in life. But I still wouldn't change anything for all the money in the world. I feel better now than I've felt in about 10 years.
I feel 110% better.... but I only feel about 95% myself at this moment. I can't even think about how crappy I felt before... it's amazing.

So far, my life's been one hell of a journey. Now the main focus in our lives is continuing to heal, and having a family. ..

that's what I'll be mainly talking about here... Healing, my Chiari... and trying to make a baby.

Stay tuned... It could get interesting.


... I'm not entirely sure where to start.

For months I've been thinking about starting a blog to document all the things I've gone through with all my medical goodness for a long time, but I've never known where to start, or what to say.

I guess this will be where it happens....